Monday, November 18, 2013

Sad news

Sadly, just after I posted on Friday- I got news that Grandpa passed away.

He was 100- lived an amazing life full of love and laughter- yet to doesn't ease the pain of loosing someone. We knew time was drawing near- but it was still tough to hear the news. This weekend we stayed strong with our family together- through the tears and the laughter we remembered. Through the stories and the games of cribbage we remembered. Grandpa was a wonderful man who taught so much to his kids, grand kids and great grand kids. He truly was a wonderful man.

Grandpa is now reunited with both the love of his life, and his daughter, my mom. Until the day that I see the three of you again- Love, Hugs and Kisses to all of you- take care of each other!

With true Grandpa spirit, we will be rocking our matching outfits at the funeral on Saturday- just as Grandma and Grandpa did for so many years! We know they both will love it!

If interested you can read his obituary here:

Friday, November 15, 2013

Wow week

So it appears that I haven't posted in the last 6 months. I would think of it here and there- and then time would escape me and it just didn't happen.

This week has been a wow week for me. Not because a bunch of good things have happened, but rather, a bunch of mixed emotions and struggles this week (with happiness built in between too). Things aren't going very well for my 100 year old grandpa. He took a few falls, went into the hospital to discover a blood infection and has since been at the Hospice House. Things aren't looking good. I mean, he is 100- we know he has lived an amazing life- but knowing you are going to loose someone still isn't easy. It's a tough time to go through, but we know in the end he will be in a better place. Last night they did a pinning ceremony for my grandpa. They do this to recognize veterans. It was a great ceremony, attended by extended family, even though grandpa slept through the entire thing!

In addition to that, I have a twisted and pinched nerve that has prevented me from fully turning my head this past week. I visited a chiropractor for the first time in my life- and saw a bit of relief that day- but the pain has persisted. Not a fun thing to deal with.

On happier notes, a few fun things happened this week- First, I won two tickets to the Big Ten Championship Football Game, including pre-game festivities, a hotel stay and a $100 gas card to get us to Indy! I'm super stoked about it- and although Brent isn't an Ohio State, or Michigan State fan (who will most likely be playing)- I know he secretly is excited to go for the experience. Second- I attended my first ever Cheerobix class last night. It was amazing! A great workout that went by quick and included a ton of laughs! I can't wait to go to the next class on December 4th- so fun! Hopefully by then I will have a full range of motion instead of this crummy pain!

I tried to upload pictures of most of these things- and blogger doesn't want to work- so this is all you get for today! :)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wedding Whoops!

I've been pretty good with the entire wedding planning bit. I've been organized and getting things done on my to-do list. Last night Brent and I finished our last pre-marital counseling at the church. Afterwards I was talking to Sara regarding our invitations. It dawned on me- that we need to order them ASAP! So my to-do list today includes calling the company and ensure the turn-around printing time still fits with our mailing timeline. The invites have been on my mind, I just never got around to the actual ordering. We are pretty excited about our choice though! I can't wait for our guests to see them too! Too fun! I would share here, but that would ruin the surprise, I guess you will just have to wait and see!

Do you ever find yourself forgetting to do important tasks? I hope it's nothing too important.

On other wedding details- we had our food tasting last week. It went great! We narrowed down our food choices and boy were they yummy! I can't wait for everyone else to enjoy the yummies too! This weekend I plan on figuring out reception centerpieces and searching for our unity candle for the ceremony. Who knows, maybe I'll work on other details too! Any suggestions are welcome!

Happy Wednesday friends!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Throwback Thursday- 2007

The shirts Sara and I are wearing- pretty much sums us up! Girls weekend to Chicago. This picture is of Sara and I at Ikea!

Cathleen was living in Chicago at the time- she met up with us to enjoy dinner, drinks and games at Dave and Busters- so much fun!

On the way back to Michigan we stopped at the zoo in Michigan City! Great time with great friends. Makes me want a girls weekend again soon! Love you gals!

Monday, May 6, 2013

So...the thing is...

I'm excited that I've lost 50 pounds. The journey hasn't always been easy, but I feel such a sense of accomplishment!

But you see...there are other things that go along side weight loss. One of them being clothes. Clearly with the loss of pounds, there has been a change in clothing size. Thankfully my great friend Kristyn has passed along clothes as she has grown out of them (as I do once I've grown out of mine too). However, yesterday (a nice and sunny 70 degree day) I wanted to wear shorts or capris and learned that I didn't have any that fit. I will admit it is more fun to go clothes shopping now- it's much better than it was 50 pounds ago. Although, being on a budget, and saving for a wedding doesn't make spending money on clothes very fun! So, I'll slowly be adding things- buying at thrift stores, using sales and clearance prices and taking hand me downs from friends.

Since I've recently joined the gym I've purchased more workout clothes too. I had some luck finding these at JcPenny and Old Navy. Hopefully these pants don't fall down! (Don't laugh! I had that issue!) Soon on the docket to purchase will be some new athletic shoes too. If anyone has suggestions on shoes- I'd love to hear them. Remember though- I'm on a budget.

So you see...the thing is....along with exciting and accomplished things- comes unexpected challenges. I guess that's life! If everything was always good and exciting they wouldn't call it the roller coaster of life!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Buh-bye 50 lbs!

Yay- it's official- I've lost 50 pounds! After 9 months following the weight watchers plan, hard work and dedication I've lost 50 lbs (50.8 to be exact!).

I'm full of excitement! It has been quite the journey to see the transformation!  A HUGE thanks to Kristyn for helping me get started- I couldn't have done this without you! Thanks also to everyone who has supported me along the way providing encouragement, accompanied me in a more active lifestyle and pushing me to reach my goals! Know that the journey was much easier with you all by my side! Now I just need to be careful so I can fit into my wedding dress!!

I'll work on getting some pictures taken to post a before and after shot. Brent's good at woodworking- but not taking pictures! (sorry love...but I still  love you!)

To all of you on your own weight loss journey- best of luck- I know you can do it!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Crazy life

HI! It's been so long since my last post! And honestly there isn't a specific reason why I haven't been posting. My life has been busy and I just haven't devoted the time to writing posts! So today I thought I would write something quick!

Since my last post...

Sara came for an awesome weekend visit- we had a great time visiting, talking and of course laughing!
I attended multiple Lia Sophia jewelry parties
I made photo books for my sisters and Aunt to remember my mom since it's been 15 years since she passed away
Brent and I started pre-martial counseling
I ran a scrapbooking event for work
We celebrated Ariana's 1st birthday! I can't believe she is already one!
I started attending a kickboxing class that I love- I'm a bit sore today- but it's worth it!
We had a Parks in Focus alumni outing for work
I visited Detroit with some awesome ladies from work!
I was able to get lots of scrapbooking done at a two day crop!
We celbrated Evan's 3rd birthday! I also can't believe he is three!
We had another evening of our DIY group- we made some awesome stuff out of old t-shirts!
Brent and I got our engagement pictures taken! Love them! Can't wait to see the rest!
Keith, Evan, Brent and I went to watch the Griffins Game
And...probably the busiest! I've been up to my elebows in Bowlapalooza stuff!
Don't worry there is still time to support me! Check out the link below- any donation is helpful!

Happy monday everyone!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Bits and Pieces

Happy Friday everyone!

Guess what?!? Sara is coming to visit! She is en route right now- I'm super excited!  That's why these are my bits and pieces for the week.

1. Sara is coming!





Can you tell I'm a bit excited?
Happy weekend everyone! I'll be busy with Sara! :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Happy Day to Sara! :)

Today is Sara's (one of my best friends) birthday! I always love birthdays! And I'm especially excited that she is coming to visit me this weekend so we can celebrate her day then! :)

Living 5 hours away from each other doesn't always make staying connected easy- but we manage. We talk on the phone, use facebook, travel to see one another, skype, snail mail, and text! I love that we have so many modes of communication we can use to help us stay connected!

This year I'm sure I'll have plenty of opportunities to see her since we will have all of my wedding festivities- double yay!! :) It's hard to imagine that it's been 10 1/2 years since we first met. We were blessed enough to be placed in the same group for our Alternative Spring Break (ASB) trip to Oklahoma. We became fast friends and the rest is history!

Next week I'm sure you will hear about some of our fun we plan on having over the weekend! Prayers for safe travels as Sara comes to visit! You never know about this Michigan snow!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Bits and Pieces

Happy Friday everyone!

This week has been pretty good to me. Minus the few mishaps on the hill at work!

I was feeling a little sassy with my earrings- so that's my self portrait! :)

Yesterday I got the Savannah vistors guide! Great timing as we booked our honeymoon this week. Super exciting!

Yay for snail mail! I got a fun Valentine's Day card in the mail from Sara! Thanks friend!

Tonight a few of us will be enjoying a comedy show at Camp Newaygo- looking forward to it!

Brent also got me this adoable Precious Moments for Valentine's Day- super sweet!

What are some bits and pieces from your week? I'd love to hear from you!

Enjoy your Friday!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

7 months away!

In just 7 short months I am getting hitched!

It's crazy to think how quickly the time seems to be flying by! Our wedding date will be exactly three years since we first met! It's been a pleasant journey--and I can't wait to be Brent's wife! I have to admit I've been finding some great things on pinterest and have been saving them to share with my future hubby!

Wedding details are coming along pretty well! We still have to
-decide on tuxes
-get engagement pictures taken
-determine where we will stay on our wedding night
-figure out centerpieces for the reception
-pick how we will proceed with invitations
-complete pre-marital counseling
-determine my accessories for the BIG day!
-schedule the bridal shower and bachelorette party
-pick reception songs

and we've been busy by
-picking up my dress (just Auntie Nell and I- no Brent allowed!)
-meeting with the florist
-picking out bridesmaid dresses
-sending out our save the dates
-picking out wedding bands
-booking our Honeymoon (Savannah and Tybee Island here we come!)
-registering at Target and Bed, Bath and Beyond
and so much more!

Being a planner, I've been pretty efficient with my planning so I don't have to worry as it gets closer to the date. I've been blessed with amazing friends and family to help me along the way too! Love them!

Have a Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Monday, February 11, 2013


Saturday I spent 12 hours of my day scrapbooking 28 pages! For those of you who know something about scrapbooking- this is a huge accomplishment! So much time and details go into completing a page! I sure was happy to get soooo much done! I managed to do some Christmas pages, some birthday parties, the U of M football game that Brent and I went to, and so much more! I wish I had the time to scrapbook regularly, but I do try to keep up with everything!

My friend Katie organized the event. It's a fundraiser for the Muskegon Waves Disabled Sports Team. The proceeds help the team travel to MSU for the Michigan Victory Games to compete. Double bonus- I get to do something I love (scrapbook) while supporting an amazing cause! It can't get much better than this!

Next month Kerri and I are signed up for a two day crop. I'm especially looking forward to this so I can get even more done! We are contemplating going to a weekend one (Friday-Sunday) in October. I figure this might allow me to get a good start on my wedding album! What do you think?

I better make sure I get some pictures printed for the next one! Although my upcoming weekends are pretty filled! I guess I better keep taking pictures too!

Have a great week everyone!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Bits and Pieces

Happy Friday!

What a week this has been! This week has made me determine that I'm pretty much over winter! Struggled to get up the hill at work with my little car, got stuck in my own driveway due to the amount of snow, barely made it up the hill today- after getting stuck in snow at three different intersections! Man! I'm ready for the weekend!! How about you?

This week has been busy, but enjoyable (minus the snow part!)

I passed along some clothes that were too big for me to one of my co-workers! Felt great to clean out the closet- and she was blessed to get everything!

My Aunt Nell and I went to pick up my wedding dress at Becker's Bridal on Wednesday! So super excited! Picked out a veil while we were there too. Brent reads my blog- so I guess you just get a picture of them in bags! :)

After picking up the dress we stopped for lunch. We couldn't resist both cheating on our diets and ordered this yummy dessert. Nachos! So super yummy! The cup contains a carmel mousse that you dip the 'chips' in. Sooooooo yummy!

Although I shoveled 6-7 inches of snow last night after work and another 6-7 inches this morning before work- the sun did decide to show itself. Pretty snow- it would be prettier if I had a snow day too! :)

Enjoy your Friday everyone! Be safe on the roads!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Uh oh...books!

For those of you who have been following me you know that I have been attempting to complete my own book challenge before my wedding. I had been keeping up pretty well with my reading (on average completing a book a week), although this past month I haven't been doing so well!

I've been so busy working on wedding details, I haven't been focusing on reading! This Friday will be 21 weeks of the book challenge and I have finished 18 books. I better get on it and get reading.

Considering my weekends are booked all the way until the end of April, I better play some catch up now!

Don't forget you can view all the books I've finished during this challenge on the Book Challenge tab above, or by clicking here.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Bits and Pieces

Happy Friday everyone!

This week has had some fun!
I managed to clear my driveway last Friday- complete even to the end (you know, where the plow goes!)

We celebrated my dads birthday- Happy 70th!

I scored and wore my new Merell shoes I found at Goodwill for $4! Woohoo!

Enjoying some diet coke! It was left outside and formed cold slush! Love cold diet coke!!

Enjoyed some fire cooked pizza from Verdoni's in Muskegon.

I hope everyone has a safe and happy Friday and weekend!!!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

6 months of WW

It's officially been 6 months since I began my Weight Watchers Adventure...and what an adventure it has been! My grand total loss in this 6 month time frame is 41.4 pounds! What an accomplishment!!

Everyday hasn't been easy- but I'm so proud of what I've accomplished with dedication, commitment and a few moments of indulging :) I feel healthier and happier.

I've noticed that...
  • I don't get as tired as I did once before.
  • my collarbone is now noticeable
  • I'm more flexible
  • although I still struggle to find tall boots to fit over my calves, my calves have gotten a bit smaller!
  • my face has slimmed down
  • I've dropped 3 pants sizes
  • people who haven't seen me in awhile do a double take
  • jewelry now hangs differently
  • I own way too many clothes! Although I'm trying to combat this by getting rid of the stuff that doesn't fit me anymore
  • I sit with my legs crossed WAY more often than before (much more comfortable now- duh!)
  • I am able to find clothes at stores much easier
I'm sure there are many more things I haven't mentioned, but you get the idea. So next 6 months- 41.4 more pounds? haha, I think not...but I am working still to loose more. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I'm alive

I know I've been absent from my blog for a few days. Trust me, I'm alive, and well, and busy!

I hung out with some awesome girls last Friday. We enjoyed dinner, games, nail painting, a movie, and TONS of laughs! We got a ton of snow on Friday too. Look at my accomplished 45 min job of clearing the driveway for my guests! I got my workout! :)

But boy was I exhausted! Can you tell?

Following an awesome Friday evening Kim, Kristyn, Lora and I went to Jumpin Jupiter for Zumba class. It was a great class and a great workout!

Sunday we celebrated with a Birthday party for my dad! Happy 70th Dad!
It was great to spend time with family!

I'm looking forward to this busy weekend too! :)
Have a great Wednesday everyone!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Bits and Pieces

I admit that I didn't do the best at capturing Bits and Pieces from the week. West Michigan got hit pretty hard with snow this week- I was doing my best trying to stay warm, keep my car on the road and my driveway clear! I did manage to include a few...

New highlights! :) It's always great when you feel good about your hair! Love Amber at Focus Salon- you should check her out. You won't be disappointed!
Brent and I met the the pastor for our wedding last night. It was great to discuss happenings for the Big Day! This is a list of potential scripture readings and what version of wedding vows we want to use.
This is my cricut for most of you know I love to scrapbook. Camp Newaygo is having an event this weekend and they asked if I could cut some shapes out for them. I brought it to work today to do so. Can't complain- got to use my fun cricut on the clock! :)

Happy Friday everyone! Stay warm!

As always I'm linking up with Erica at Style of a Songbird- check her blog out!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Wedding- I did!

When  you think of weddings you think of "I do"; this is very true.

Today I'm using I did as the phrase! Not because I did already get married (no way!)- it's because I've done a ton off the wedding checklist! I wanted to share with my lovely readers what has been happening. Since I had the day off of work on Friday for MLK day (we work/serve on the actual holiday) I was able to get a ton accomplished!

First I met with Deb at LeFleur to go over all the details and specifics for my wedding flowers. She is so great and helpful. Some of the flowers we picked she didn't have on hand- but I can't wait to see when she gets them in!

After debating if we wanted a wedding videographer or not; we finally committed and I booked one for our Big Day! His work is amazing and I think the day will be captured even better with this detail!

Next I reserved a block of rooms at the Muskegon Fairfield Inn for all our wedding guests.

I attempted to find a place to have the rehearsal dinner. I have a few leads-but this has proved to be difficult! If anyone knows a place in the Muskegon area that will host a dinner for 35-40 people on a Friday night, that would be great.

Saturday three of the girls in the wedding party and myself traveled to Grand Rapids in search of the bridesmaid dress. Happily we had success and purchased the dresses! I even relayed the information to Sara in Indiana and she visited her local Alfred Angelo store and ordered hers on Sunday! Here are the three of them in the dress. This is the style, but not the color. Feel free to view the color here.

Last, and not least, Brent and I went to Bed, Bath and Beyond to create our wedding registry. We spent a few hours there and then called it a night! We plan on going back tonight to revise a few things and finish a few areas that we didn't get covered.

All in all it was a busy wedding weekend! Onto other fun wedding stuff now! :)

Monday, January 21, 2013

Bits and Pieces

Friday usually marks my Bits and Pieces blog post. This weekend was so crazy busy, that I never had time to write, and post my bits and pieces from last week! So I'm doing so now. Better late than never; right?!?

Monday night's sky was so beautiful- I had to take some pictures. This is my favorite! I love sunsets!

Tuesday night was a pj's and slipper kind of night. I still managed to get some things accomplished around the house- comfort style!

A huge piece of this week was getting to a 40 pound weight loss. How exciting!!!

Friday I met with the wedding florist. This picture isn't specific to what we are doing; but wanted to capture the shape of the glass bowl to think of other options.

Happy Monday everyone! Stay warm!

Thursday, January 17, 2013


If you are friends with me on facebook (and I assume most of you are since that's where most of my blog traffic comes from!) you know that I've posted a few things in regards to starting an Etsy store.  Since Brent has some woodworking pieces and I have my paper crafts, we thought it would be a great fit. I started setting up the shop last weekend, but it has yet to go live. We are still contemplating if we will indeed make it 'live'. I have to do some more reading on costs to list items, processing fees, etc.

In the meantime I thought I would share with you some of the cards that I've recently made! Enjoy
Can you tell that I've been utilizing my Big Shot embossing machine I received for Christmas! Loving it!

Which card is your favorite? You never might be the one receiving one of these!

Happy Friday eve!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Lordy Lordy look who lost 40! was a big mark for me! I hit a 40 pound loss (well 40.2 lbs to be exact!)!!!

After struggling the last few weeks losing some pounds; this week sure helped my spirits! It goes to show that with hard work and dedication; it can be done!

Not the best of pictures but here they are!
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Don't judge the clothes; I guess I have to go shopping for some that fit better!

Happy weight loss to me! :)

Monday, January 14, 2013

DIY gathering

This past Saturday our DIY group gathered again! This time we dabbled with homemade products. We made shave cream, body scrub, makeup remover and lip balm.

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The products turned out great! Good times, lots of laughs...and a few mishaps in the microwave! Silly Gina!
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The sad measuring cup is no longer! Oh well, you live and you learn!

Our next gathering was going to be early February, but then we realized it was Super Bowl Sunday- so I guess we have to reschedule!

Don't forget to keep checking out the DIY tab above that keeps you up to date on all of our projects! You can view them here too.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Bits and Pieces

Happy Friday everyone!
This week has been pretty jam packed for me. Here is a look into my week!

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My love brought me diet coke last night. I've had a few headaches this week- this is usually my medicine. Thanks love!

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I know I mentioned it earlier this week in a blog post, but I felt very accomplished after tackling such a big project. It was lots of work- but it was worth it!
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The beautiful sunset as I drove home from work this week. Beauty.
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I still have yet to watch it- but I've heard good things about it. Excited to have friends I can borrow movies from. Movie night anyone?

As always I'm linking up with Erica at Style of a Songbird. Join us!

Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Current "likes"

With facebook being so popular and included in everyday talk; I thought I should share some of the things I've currently been liking- related or unrelated to facebook.

Did you know that Goodwill has an online shopping site? They do! You can search for items at thrift store prices! Pay to have far away locations mail the item to you- or shop specifically in your local area and directly pick-up and save a few bucks on the mailing cost. I love the search feature on this. But like true thrift stores, you never know what you will stumble upon! Check out the site here!

Speaking of thrift stores; a local one in Muskegon, Hope Chest Thrift Store is having a sale tomorrow- 50% off your entire purchase! All profits from this store goes to raise awareness of human trafficking and restoring victims of sex trafficking in Michigan through The Hope Project. Since tomorrow is Human Trafficking Awareness Day- it's only fitting for them to bring more awareness by having a sale! And who doesn't love a good sale? Especially sales at thrift stores! Hope Chest is located at 185 W. Laketon. Check them out Friday between 10 am and 6 pm.

Online recipe blogs- LOVE 'em! They are my go to when I want to try something new. I'm especially fond of Skinnytaste! Gina's blog is awesome! She has a variety of recipes and for those people on WW, she even lists the point values on each recipe. So helpful!

I know all the rage is to play games on facebook. I admit that I do too, however my other game site that I love it Pogo. Pogo is an FREE online game site that allows you to play hundreds of games! There are sponsor adds in between games; otherwise you can pay a fee to become a subscriber, which allows you to play without ad interruption. I've had a few premium trials and I do admit it's nice to play without the ads. Either way; cool site with cool game options!

What are some sites that are on your favorites list? I would love to check out new websites!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Yesterday was full of accomplishments! I had so much that needed to get done around my house, so I decided to take a vacation day! Boy was it useful!

I finished 5 loads of laundry, did all my dishes (I so want a dishwasher!), cleaned out my freezer, organized all my wedding supplies, organized and cleaned my game area and made dinner for Brent and I! On top of everything I got a good workout too. From lifting laundry up and down the stairs to doing squats while I was arranging games!

Remember what my games looked like before?
Look at them now!
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It took awhile, but they all fit! And you can read all of the titles! Now the hard part is keeping them this way! Since Friday night games will be at my house this week, they are bound to stay this way for a bit longer! Last time I spoke of my large amount of games I told you I had 159; well I counted them again when I was rearranging and now I have 174!! I guess I have an addiction :)

After dinner last night Brent and I went and did our wedding registry at Target. In the mail last week I got a coupon for a free $20 gift card if we registered. We were planning to already; but hey I like free gift cards! When registering they gave us a booklet with registering ideas and a few instore coupons. Included in this booklet was a $20 gift card for shutterfly. How awesome! I'll take these anyday!

Tuesday was a very accomplished day. Doesn't it feel great to accomplish things?

Monday, January 7, 2013

Wedding wire!

This past week a few things for the wedding got checked off of the list!

We finished addressing the Save the Dates...can't wait to send these out. Waiting on a few more addresses from Brent and they are good to go! Yee-haw!

Brent also worked on our card box for the wedding. Doesn't it look awesome??
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We still have to pick out and decide on a stain color. Afterwards I think we are going to either monogram our initials on the front, or put our actual  names on it. What do you think would look best?

We also worked on a game plan for registering at Target and Bed, Bath and Beyond. We didn't actually register yet, but we compiled a list of what things we will be adding. We hope to make it to at least one of the stores within the next week.

Thursday, January 3, 2013


It's 2013! yay! It's my wedding year! I'm so excited to become a wife! Brent and I have been working on all the details for the wedding celebration. And for the most part we are enjoying it!

We addressed more of our Save the Dates last night, purchased my wedding band last weekend and made a few appointments for my bridesmaids to try on some dresses! We will be visiting some bridal shops in Grand Rapids on the 19th. Hopefully we will have success!

I've been using Pinterest ideas here and there and have been putting them on my wedding board. I know there is no way that we will be able to use them all (from both a cost and time standpoint), but sometimes it's fun to look at ideas.

Now that the wedding year has arrived we need to meet with the florist, meet with the pastor, decide on invitations, pick out bridesmaid dresses, figure out tuxes, figure out room set-up, decide on food options and so much more! I'm sure there is so much more that isn't even included in my list too! Sounds like a lot, but I'm up to the challenge. Can't wait to hear the wedding bells!

Only 254 more days!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A bit frantic

Today marks back to work! It was a nice few days off...enjoying time with family and friends, waking up without an alarm, relaxing and playing some new games. No complaints for me.

However, today didn't start out how I planned. I set my alarm to get up, I even recall hitting snooze a few times. The next thing I know, I wake up to the clock saying it's 7:45! oops! I'm supposed to be to work at 8:00 and I have a good 35 min drive (on a good day!). Guess it's late to work for me! Oh well, nothing hurt. It happens!

I dislike the feeling of being rushed, and the feeling of being late. I am the person who is always on time (even a bit early!), so you can imagine how unsettling this is for me!

Only after quickly getting out of bed, rushing through my morning routine and getting into my car to drive to work could I really unwind a bit. Thankfully the drive allowed me to do this. I then starting thinking about rushing, how society nowadays seems super rushed, and I'm guilty of it too. But then I recalled my last few days off of work, the enjoyment of family and friends, relaxing and doing things I love. It reminded me that it's important for us to slow down and enjoy life. If we are too busy rushing through life, we aren't really enjoying it to the fullest.

Since the New Year is here, I challenge you to slow down, be less rushed, and enjoy life! It's worth living!