Friday, November 15, 2013

Wow week

So it appears that I haven't posted in the last 6 months. I would think of it here and there- and then time would escape me and it just didn't happen.

This week has been a wow week for me. Not because a bunch of good things have happened, but rather, a bunch of mixed emotions and struggles this week (with happiness built in between too). Things aren't going very well for my 100 year old grandpa. He took a few falls, went into the hospital to discover a blood infection and has since been at the Hospice House. Things aren't looking good. I mean, he is 100- we know he has lived an amazing life- but knowing you are going to loose someone still isn't easy. It's a tough time to go through, but we know in the end he will be in a better place. Last night they did a pinning ceremony for my grandpa. They do this to recognize veterans. It was a great ceremony, attended by extended family, even though grandpa slept through the entire thing!

In addition to that, I have a twisted and pinched nerve that has prevented me from fully turning my head this past week. I visited a chiropractor for the first time in my life- and saw a bit of relief that day- but the pain has persisted. Not a fun thing to deal with.

On happier notes, a few fun things happened this week- First, I won two tickets to the Big Ten Championship Football Game, including pre-game festivities, a hotel stay and a $100 gas card to get us to Indy! I'm super stoked about it- and although Brent isn't an Ohio State, or Michigan State fan (who will most likely be playing)- I know he secretly is excited to go for the experience. Second- I attended my first ever Cheerobix class last night. It was amazing! A great workout that went by quick and included a ton of laughs! I can't wait to go to the next class on December 4th- so fun! Hopefully by then I will have a full range of motion instead of this crummy pain!

I tried to upload pictures of most of these things- and blogger doesn't want to work- so this is all you get for today! :)