DIY Projects

Pinterest is all the craze lately. And I have to admit that I enjoy it! It's so much fun to find all the exciting ideas, inspiration and instructions on various sites (mainly other blogs!). So I'm sure most of you, like me, tend to pin things but never seem to try as many things as you'd like!

Due to this I thought it would be fun to grab a group of friends and start DIY gatherings. We will discuss and plan out what types of projects we are interested in, so everyone can get the needed supplies. Once everyone arrives, we can enjoy doing the projects with some laughter, fun and of course good company! Feel free to check out our Pinterest group page; this allows us all to pin onto the same board to indicate projects we would be interested in. You can check out the page here.

Follow this page with updates on what is happening with the group!

If you are in the Muskegon area and want to join us feel free to contact me!

Here our the first few months of plans!
This is our first gathering.
Our second meeting making acorn picture frames.
Ornament wreaths!
We tried our craftiness with homemade beauty products.

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