Monday, April 21, 2014

Do you ever?

Do you ever have those ridiculously annoying conversations with people- you know- the ones where you aren't seeing eye to eye and neither of you can get through to the other person? Yeah, me too.

I know the saying "we agree to disagree" but sometimes that too is difficult to do. Typically it's even harder when it's someone you are close to.

Do you ever get told a secret- that you can totally keep- but are still so excited you just want to share the news with someone? Yeah, me too.

But the loyalty of me and my friendship with the other person does bind the secret and I do keep it.

Do you ever have a rough day and feel that the world is against you? Yeah, me too

But then I try to think of all the positive things in my life and it helps boost my mood.

Do you ever wish you could complete everything on your to-do list before the day is done? Yeah, me too

Although this doesn't happen often for me. Does it for you?

Do you ever make a decision and then later regret it? Yeah, me too

Decisions aren't taken lightly for some, but they allow us to learn and to grow. Decide on friends.

What are other things that tend to be a wall for you? Feel free to share :)

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