Monday, November 19, 2012

Wreath making!

We had an awesome times this weekend creating our amazing wreaths out of Christmas ornaments!

Our lovely works in progress. This craft was fun and pretty quick. A bunch of my ornaments seemed to fall off. Good thing we remembered to bring the hot glue gun! We had to make some repairs!

I loved that everyone had their own color scheme, their own way of arranging their ornaments and their own bow! They all look great. Lola even had a fun time creating her crafted wreath too!

Sorry Kristyn, I didn't do a very good job getting pictures of you! I guess you must have been helping Lola so much that I missed it!
Here is the finished product on my door. What do you think?
If you haven't already feel free to check out other projects here and here!


  1. seems as if I didn't even show up for this party!! LOL
