Monday, November 18, 2013

Sad news

Sadly, just after I posted on Friday- I got news that Grandpa passed away.

He was 100- lived an amazing life full of love and laughter- yet to doesn't ease the pain of loosing someone. We knew time was drawing near- but it was still tough to hear the news. This weekend we stayed strong with our family together- through the tears and the laughter we remembered. Through the stories and the games of cribbage we remembered. Grandpa was a wonderful man who taught so much to his kids, grand kids and great grand kids. He truly was a wonderful man.

Grandpa is now reunited with both the love of his life, and his daughter, my mom. Until the day that I see the three of you again- Love, Hugs and Kisses to all of you- take care of each other!

With true Grandpa spirit, we will be rocking our matching outfits at the funeral on Saturday- just as Grandma and Grandpa did for so many years! We know they both will love it!

If interested you can read his obituary here:


  1. Please make sure to take a great big group shot of all the amazing outfits :) Love you!!
