Friday, February 8, 2013

Bits and Pieces

Happy Friday!

What a week this has been! This week has made me determine that I'm pretty much over winter! Struggled to get up the hill at work with my little car, got stuck in my own driveway due to the amount of snow, barely made it up the hill today- after getting stuck in snow at three different intersections! Man! I'm ready for the weekend!! How about you?

This week has been busy, but enjoyable (minus the snow part!)

I passed along some clothes that were too big for me to one of my co-workers! Felt great to clean out the closet- and she was blessed to get everything!

My Aunt Nell and I went to pick up my wedding dress at Becker's Bridal on Wednesday! So super excited! Picked out a veil while we were there too. Brent reads my blog- so I guess you just get a picture of them in bags! :)

After picking up the dress we stopped for lunch. We couldn't resist both cheating on our diets and ordered this yummy dessert. Nachos! So super yummy! The cup contains a carmel mousse that you dip the 'chips' in. Sooooooo yummy!

Although I shoveled 6-7 inches of snow last night after work and another 6-7 inches this morning before work- the sun did decide to show itself. Pretty snow- it would be prettier if I had a snow day too! :)

Enjoy your Friday everyone! Be safe on the roads!

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