Thursday, February 14, 2013

7 months away!

In just 7 short months I am getting hitched!

It's crazy to think how quickly the time seems to be flying by! Our wedding date will be exactly three years since we first met! It's been a pleasant journey--and I can't wait to be Brent's wife! I have to admit I've been finding some great things on pinterest and have been saving them to share with my future hubby!

Wedding details are coming along pretty well! We still have to
-decide on tuxes
-get engagement pictures taken
-determine where we will stay on our wedding night
-figure out centerpieces for the reception
-pick how we will proceed with invitations
-complete pre-marital counseling
-determine my accessories for the BIG day!
-schedule the bridal shower and bachelorette party
-pick reception songs

and we've been busy by
-picking up my dress (just Auntie Nell and I- no Brent allowed!)
-meeting with the florist
-picking out bridesmaid dresses
-sending out our save the dates
-picking out wedding bands
-booking our Honeymoon (Savannah and Tybee Island here we come!)
-registering at Target and Bed, Bath and Beyond
and so much more!

Being a planner, I've been pretty efficient with my planning so I don't have to worry as it gets closer to the date. I've been blessed with amazing friends and family to help me along the way too! Love them!

Have a Happy Valentine's Day!!!

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