Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Happy Day to Sara! :)

Today is Sara's (one of my best friends) birthday! I always love birthdays! And I'm especially excited that she is coming to visit me this weekend so we can celebrate her day then! :)

Living 5 hours away from each other doesn't always make staying connected easy- but we manage. We talk on the phone, use facebook, travel to see one another, skype, snail mail, and text! I love that we have so many modes of communication we can use to help us stay connected!

This year I'm sure I'll have plenty of opportunities to see her since we will have all of my wedding festivities- double yay!! :) It's hard to imagine that it's been 10 1/2 years since we first met. We were blessed enough to be placed in the same group for our Alternative Spring Break (ASB) trip to Oklahoma. We became fast friends and the rest is history!

Next week I'm sure you will hear about some of our fun we plan on having over the weekend! Prayers for safe travels as Sara comes to visit! You never know about this Michigan snow!

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