Thursday, January 31, 2013

6 months of WW

It's officially been 6 months since I began my Weight Watchers Adventure...and what an adventure it has been! My grand total loss in this 6 month time frame is 41.4 pounds! What an accomplishment!!

Everyday hasn't been easy- but I'm so proud of what I've accomplished with dedication, commitment and a few moments of indulging :) I feel healthier and happier.

I've noticed that...
  • I don't get as tired as I did once before.
  • my collarbone is now noticeable
  • I'm more flexible
  • although I still struggle to find tall boots to fit over my calves, my calves have gotten a bit smaller!
  • my face has slimmed down
  • I've dropped 3 pants sizes
  • people who haven't seen me in awhile do a double take
  • jewelry now hangs differently
  • I own way too many clothes! Although I'm trying to combat this by getting rid of the stuff that doesn't fit me anymore
  • I sit with my legs crossed WAY more often than before (much more comfortable now- duh!)
  • I am able to find clothes at stores much easier
I'm sure there are many more things I haven't mentioned, but you get the idea. So next 6 months- 41.4 more pounds? haha, I think not...but I am working still to loose more. Wish me luck!

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