Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Wedding- I did!

When  you think of weddings you think of "I do"; this is very true.

Today I'm using I did as the phrase! Not because I did already get married (no way!)- it's because I've done a ton off the wedding checklist! I wanted to share with my lovely readers what has been happening. Since I had the day off of work on Friday for MLK day (we work/serve on the actual holiday) I was able to get a ton accomplished!

First I met with Deb at LeFleur to go over all the details and specifics for my wedding flowers. She is so great and helpful. Some of the flowers we picked she didn't have on hand- but I can't wait to see when she gets them in!

After debating if we wanted a wedding videographer or not; we finally committed and I booked one for our Big Day! His work is amazing and I think the day will be captured even better with this detail!

Next I reserved a block of rooms at the Muskegon Fairfield Inn for all our wedding guests.

I attempted to find a place to have the rehearsal dinner. I have a few leads-but this has proved to be difficult! If anyone knows a place in the Muskegon area that will host a dinner for 35-40 people on a Friday night, that would be great.

Saturday three of the girls in the wedding party and myself traveled to Grand Rapids in search of the bridesmaid dress. Happily we had success and purchased the dresses! I even relayed the information to Sara in Indiana and she visited her local Alfred Angelo store and ordered hers on Sunday! Here are the three of them in the dress. This is the style, but not the color. Feel free to view the color here.

Last, and not least, Brent and I went to Bed, Bath and Beyond to create our wedding registry. We spent a few hours there and then called it a night! We plan on going back tonight to revise a few things and finish a few areas that we didn't get covered.

All in all it was a busy wedding weekend! Onto other fun wedding stuff now! :)

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