Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Yesterday was full of accomplishments! I had so much that needed to get done around my house, so I decided to take a vacation day! Boy was it useful!

I finished 5 loads of laundry, did all my dishes (I so want a dishwasher!), cleaned out my freezer, organized all my wedding supplies, organized and cleaned my game area and made dinner for Brent and I! On top of everything I got a good workout too. From lifting laundry up and down the stairs to doing squats while I was arranging games!

Remember what my games looked like before?
Look at them now!
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It took awhile, but they all fit! And you can read all of the titles! Now the hard part is keeping them this way! Since Friday night games will be at my house this week, they are bound to stay this way for a bit longer! Last time I spoke of my large amount of games I told you I had 159; well I counted them again when I was rearranging and now I have 174!! I guess I have an addiction :)

After dinner last night Brent and I went and did our wedding registry at Target. In the mail last week I got a coupon for a free $20 gift card if we registered. We were planning to already; but hey I like free gift cards! When registering they gave us a booklet with registering ideas and a few instore coupons. Included in this booklet was a $20 gift card for shutterfly. How awesome! I'll take these anyday!

Tuesday was a very accomplished day. Doesn't it feel great to accomplish things?

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