Thursday, January 17, 2013


If you are friends with me on facebook (and I assume most of you are since that's where most of my blog traffic comes from!) you know that I've posted a few things in regards to starting an Etsy store.  Since Brent has some woodworking pieces and I have my paper crafts, we thought it would be a great fit. I started setting up the shop last weekend, but it has yet to go live. We are still contemplating if we will indeed make it 'live'. I have to do some more reading on costs to list items, processing fees, etc.

In the meantime I thought I would share with you some of the cards that I've recently made! Enjoy
Can you tell that I've been utilizing my Big Shot embossing machine I received for Christmas! Loving it!

Which card is your favorite? You never might be the one receiving one of these!

Happy Friday eve!

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