Monday, January 7, 2013

Wedding wire!

This past week a few things for the wedding got checked off of the list!

We finished addressing the Save the Dates...can't wait to send these out. Waiting on a few more addresses from Brent and they are good to go! Yee-haw!

Brent also worked on our card box for the wedding. Doesn't it look awesome??
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We still have to pick out and decide on a stain color. Afterwards I think we are going to either monogram our initials on the front, or put our actual  names on it. What do you think would look best?

We also worked on a game plan for registering at Target and Bed, Bath and Beyond. We didn't actually register yet, but we compiled a list of what things we will be adding. We hope to make it to at least one of the stores within the next week.

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