Tuesday, October 2, 2012


It has been exactly 9 weeks since I've starting following Weight Watchers guidelines. Since them I'm happy to announce that I've lost just over 20 pounds!

Some days are easier than others; but I'm so proud of myself for all that I've accomplished!

Before I started Weight Watchers

At the 20 pound weight loss! yay! I know this isn't the best picture to show before and after; but it's the best I could do for right now! :) 

In case anyone is interested in the sites that I tend to use for my tasty recipes- these are my go to sites! Check them out...

Emily Bites

Last night I made the Baked Seasoned Fries for dinner. I didn't end up making the garlic aioli, but enjoyed them just the same!

1 comment:

  1. Lisa, you are doing such a great job! I'm very proud of you, and you are looking great :)
