Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Game Mania

As a lover of board games, card games and everything in between, I thought it would be fun to do a weekly game feature. Last time I counted I had over 100 games; and that was 3 years ago. It's probably time for me to count again! I will feature either games I own, or games I have played.

First feature....Ticket to Ride

Thanks to my friend Kristyn for introducing me to this game! It's so much fun!
The picture shown above is the original game but they also have Ticket to Ride Europe, Nordic Countries, Germany, card game, Map Collection (Asia, India and Africa) as well as other numerous expansions. You can check out more details here.

The object is to complete destination cards by collect train cards (pictured on the right below) and playing them to fulfill a track between two cities. You get points from both completing a track and finishing a destination. It's somewhat strategy (especially if you are playing with 4 or 5 people), but somewhat luck (based on the destination cards you draw).

The game is easy to set up and quick to play! If you are considering the game; it's worth the price tag. Trust me, you won't be sorry! I can't wait to try out more of the Ticket to Ride games too!

What about you? Are you someone who enjoys games? What is your favorite game? Any games you are curious to know about? Let me know! I'd love to hear from you!


  1. This is the funnest game! Another favorite is Settlers of Catan :)

    1. Thanks for sharing Kristyn! I enojoy that one too!
