Friday, October 12, 2012

Bits and Pieces

Happy Friday!

Here are my Bits and Pieces from the week

1. Celebrating the life of my 'Uncle' Lawerence
2. Enjoying an hour long massage from CM Massage
3. Enjoying a lunch hour walk with my boss. We enjoyed the beautiful fall leaves (even if it was a bit windy!)
4. Meeting with out DJ to go over wedding plans! yay!
5. I was selected by House Party to be a host for Battle of the Sexes Game Night. I can't wait for tonight!

Looking forward to a great weekend after this crazy week!
What were some of your bits and pieces of the week?

1 comment:

  1. Silly me; I forgot to mention that I'll be linking up with Erica at style of a songbird
    Check it out!
