Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Game Mania

If you missed my first Game Mania post you can view it here.

My friends and I LOVE games. If time and schedules allowed it, I'm sure we would game multiple times each week.

I mentioned in my first Game Mania post that I have a ton of games. To prove that point; I decided it was time to count and reorganize them. Guess what?!? I own ___ games! Can you believe it? I was a bit shocked to see the actual number. My dad mentioned that I should see if I could break a world record for the most games. Sadly, I don't think I will ever be the record holder. See why here.

This is one of my all time favorite card games...

Skip-bo is a very versatile game; you can play with groups of two or more, and you can vary the length of the game depending on how many cards are dealt. It's always a bit easier when you get skip-bo cards which you can use as a wild.

Skip-bo is a great, low cost game that game lovers of all ages will enjoy. Need a present for a stocking stuffer? Skip-bo might be the way to go!

Which do you tend to prefer...card games or board games?


  1. How many games do you have? The number is not in your post, and I need to know!

    And to answer your question: I love both card and board games, but I think that I end up loving board games more.

    1. Well, I fail! I meant to count them last night and totally forgot! I guess I have to do that tonight! Sorry to keep everyone waiting! I guess everyone will have to deal with the anticipation! :)
