Sunday, October 28, 2012


Well friends I went wedding dress shopping yesterday at Becker's Bridal in Fowler. It was an awesome trip since I said YES TO THE DRESS!!!

How exciting! It feels great to have that weight lifted off of the To Do list! I would love to share pictures with all of you, however, I wouldn't want Brent stumbling upon the blog to try and peek at it! So I guess you'll just have to live in suspense until the Big Day! :)

I would highly recommend any bride checking out Becker's. They have a huge selection (3,000 dresses) and all of the staff were amazing to work with. Since I already had an idea of what I was looking for our appointment only lasted an hour! I would highly suggest making an appointment first thing when they open, or even visiting on a weekday if at all possible. The place gets crazy busy!

So that is my exciting news for the weekend! Can't wait until April when it should be in!


  1. Don't you dare share the picture of the dress with anyone! Make them wait until the wedding day so they can not just see the dress but how it is on you. Plus, I've heard the picture doesn't do it justice in person :)

  2. I guess you don't get to come to my dress fitting then :P
