Thursday, October 4, 2012

DIY Plans on the Move

One of the tabs above (DIY Projects) explains what my friends and I have been up to with our version of Pinterest fun!

We met last night to figure out scheduling, projects and whose house we would meet at. We decided we would have two gatherings in October, one in November and one in December. After the holidays we hope to fit in two a  month!

For October we will be carving pumpkins, making picture frames and candle holders.

Here is where these projects are pinned: Pumpkin candle holders, Acorn Frame pinned here

November will consist of these:

Pinned Image
This one is pinned here: Christmas ornament wreath

December will be:
Pinned Image
Pinned here: Glass etching

As we meet to complete the projects I'll be sure to post pictures of all of us enjoying our projects!

What are some of your favorite DIY projects/crafts? I'd love to hear from you!

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