Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Down 30! Out with the old...in with the new!

Today I hit a pretty exciting mark. I've lost 30 pounds...well 31.3 to be exact, but who is counting? :)

I'm so thankful that this journey has been successful for me. I feel better about my self, I'm happier (not that I wasn't happy before), I've consistently become more active and obviously I've been eating healthier foods!

Every day isn't easy, but it's great to see all the effort is paying off!

With this weight gone obviously my clothes aren't fitting the same. It's sad to get rid of the old clothes (especially favorites!) but I have to remember they are just clothes and can be replaced by new! Or even new to me! Thanks to a few friends who have given me some of their old clothes. It's a great sense of accomplishment! And forces me to clean out my closet and dressers too!
Goodbye 31.3 lbs!

P.S. Don't forget to vote today!