Friday, November 9, 2012

Bits and Pieces

Happy Friday all you lovely readers!

This week has been a busy week--and I've neglected to be on top of taking pictures! Sorry!

1. Earlier this week my coworkers and I visited the Melting Pot to enjoy some fondue yummies! A great evening indeed!

This picture gets #2 and #3!
2. I'm thankful for my ability to vote in the election.
3. I'm down 31.3 lbs on my weight loss journey!
Both of these things are huge pieces of this week!

4. Last night at Roots we discussed Who Am I? In Genesis it tells us that God created all things and it was good; so today I am good!

5. My family as blessings this week. Dinner at my aunts; phone calls with my sisters and seeing one in person. I am blessed!

As always I'm linking up with my friend Erica at Style of a Songbird.

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