Monday, November 5, 2012

Birthday in the Sky!

Brent had never been flying before...before Saturday that is! In talking with some friends about Brent's birthday they encouraged me to take Brent up for a flight (since her husband is a pilot and all!). I thought it was a great idea. I contemplated surprising him; but thought that might be TOO big of a surprise. So before booking the adventure I talked to him about the idea and he was for it!

It was a great experience and Brent enjoyed himself. All in all, I think his Birthday turned out pretty amazing!

If not flying, what type of experience would you enjoy?


  1. A big thanks to Kim and Kristyn for coming to take our ground pictures and flight take off too!

  2. I like the pictures all together but have to admit I'm getting old and small pictures are hard to see. I think you should do a couple single big pics and then a couple collages!

    And the flying thing is cool to, you know, if you like that type of thing ;)

    Awesome gift!!! You are the best gf/f!!!

    1. haha, okay, I'll see what I can do! :) Thanks friend! :)
