Thursday, November 8, 2012

Christmas planning!

So I admit it...I'm a Christmas shopper year round. I love being able to get more bang for my buck by constantly being on the lookout for great gifts for others. It allows them to receive more and it helps spread the spending out to save on my pocket book too!

I've already finished a good chunk of my shopping for this year already. It's a great feeling of accomplishment!

At work I'm on the social committee; we met today to plan our Christmas Party. I'm so excited for all the things we are planning and hope the other staff will have fun with it too! One of the things we will be making are the cute ornaments that we made earlier this week at my stamping party.
I think the staff will enjoy them! I would share our other fun plans for the party--but that would be giving the fun surprise away to my co-workers! Sorry, I guess I can't spill the beans!

What is your favorite holiday? Any holiday traditions you'd like to share?

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