Saturday, November 3, 2012


I love to read. Our mom was always reading books to my sisters and I when we were younger. I'm glad she did so. Both of my sisters love to read too. This is one of the reasons that I decided to do the book challenge.

Do you ever get stuck in a book? You start it, try to get into it, but no matter what, you just can't seem to finish it? I'm usually not one to stop reading a book. Even if it's just okay, I tend to finish it. Sadly with the last book I was reading, I just couldn't do it. I was getting behind in my challenge because I just didn't want to pick it up and read more. I enjoy the books that allow me to travel in my mind to the story. Sadly the last book I was reading didn't allow me to do this, so I called it quits. Onto another book.

Today I'm hoping to have time to stop at Booked for the Season. Booked for the Season is a used bookstore where you can find a great selection of books. The awesome part, you can bring your old/used books in to sell. Once they sell in the store you get a credit on your account to buy more books! How awesome is that!?!

How do you usually determine what books you read? Does someone suggest them to you? Do you buy new books from an author you love? Or do you tend to pull the closest book of the bookshelf to read? I'd love to hear about your reads, especially since I still have a lot of books to read in my challenge!

Have a great weekend everyone! Today we are doing something special for Brent's Birthday (that's tomorrow). I can't wait to share with you all!


  1. Replies
    1. One of the ones I borrowed from you :) No worries it was in the book of we both knew it was a gamble :) It was called The Darkest Place by Daniel Judson. Oh well...can't win them all :)
