Friday, November 16, 2012

Bits and Pieces

Happy Friday everyone!!

This week has been a bit crazy for some good ways and some bad are 5 highlights for you!

1. I got to spend some time with awesome friends- not enough time- but some time is better than none!

2. I enjoyed Monday afternoon with my sister Gina (since we didn't take a picture Monday- this will have to suffice!)

3. After a rough day, my future hubby came over to talk to me, hug me and try to make things better! :) I'm so blessed

4. I tried out a super yummy recipe last night- it turned out amazing. Loved the lasagna roll ups! (recipe will be posted soon!)

5. Since I had the day off I was able to visit a few thrift stores yesterday. Fun as always! And even managed to snag a few awesome finds!

As always I'm linking up with my friend Erica at Style of a Songbird.

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