Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Working in a Winter Wonderland!

Isn't it beautiful? Monday was the annual put up the Christmas decorations day. It was so pretty that I had to take some pictures to share with all of you!

I can't really complain to come to work here! Especially when there are snowflakes and ornaments hanging from the ceiling!

Merry 27 sleeps until Christmas! :)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


For those of you who know me well, you know that each and every year the ladies of my family (sisters, aunt and cousins) get together to make a TON of Christmas cookies. Last Friday (or Black Friday to some of you) was the day! We spent the entire day baking, and boy were we tired when the day was done! We ended up making 14 different kinds of cookies, with only a few little mishaps!

Now on to the yummy cookies!

I missed taking a picture of the peppermint bark, otherwise I managed to get all of them! Soooo yummy!

Do you and your families have any holiday traditions? I'd love to hear from you!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Christmas Decor!

This past weekend I worked towards wrapping a ton of Christmas well as putting up my tree!
I tried to take some close up pictures to show how many things are actually under the tree!

I will add some ribbon and bows to some of the gifts as well. Since I was wrapping so many things I thought I should wait and do that later. Sadly, this isn't even all of the gifts! I still have more to wrap! But I can't complain. Christmas is my favorite holiday, so I'll enjoy it! :)

I even found this fun wall cling last year. What do you think?
You can't see very well from the picture, but there are snowflakes above his head too. Super cute, right?!?

What do you love most about Christmas decorations? I'd love to hear from you!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Weekend blessings

This past weekend I was able to enjoy the blessings of my family. I figure it's only fitting to mention this on Thanksgiving Eve. I hope you all have a blessed holiday with your loved ones; or the memories of those loved ones lost before you.

Thanks to all of you for being unique blessings in my life. I love you all!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


So I admit that I'm a fan of Christmas. I'm the person that shops throughout the year to find the best gifts for others. I enjoy decorating my home; sending Christmas cards, baking Chrismtas cookies and viewing Christmas lights.

I admit that I wrap gifts early too!

(sorry it's a little fuzzy!)

I love to finish with all the hustle and bustle of shopping, wrapping and decorating long before the actual holiday. I believe I'm able to fully enjoy Christmas this way!

I still have a ton more to wrap...and a few things still to buy. Although since I'm 90% done with purchasing, I'm pretty happy!

What about you? What do you enjoy best about Christmas? Are you an early shopper, or are you looking foward to scoring Black Friday deals? I'd love to hear from you.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Wreath making!

We had an awesome times this weekend creating our amazing wreaths out of Christmas ornaments!

Our lovely works in progress. This craft was fun and pretty quick. A bunch of my ornaments seemed to fall off. Good thing we remembered to bring the hot glue gun! We had to make some repairs!

I loved that everyone had their own color scheme, their own way of arranging their ornaments and their own bow! They all look great. Lola even had a fun time creating her crafted wreath too!

Sorry Kristyn, I didn't do a very good job getting pictures of you! I guess you must have been helping Lola so much that I missed it!
Here is the finished product on my door. What do you think?
If you haven't already feel free to check out other projects here and here!

Saturday, November 17, 2012


In just over 2 weeks my grandpa will be turning 100 years old! There aren't many things that can say they've been around for 100 years! It's crazy to think just how much he has gone through during his time hear on earth.

In celebration of this amazing day my Aunt is throwing an open house in honor of him. I hope there is a great turn-out. Grandpa was so touched when he was shown the invitation that he cried!

I hope to someday reach 100 years too!

If you are interested in sending my grandpa a birthday card let me know and I can share his address. He LOVES to get mail.

Happy (almost) birthday Grandpa!  Love you

Friday, November 16, 2012

Bits and Pieces

Happy Friday everyone!!

This week has been a bit crazy for some good ways and some bad are 5 highlights for you!

1. I got to spend some time with awesome friends- not enough time- but some time is better than none!

2. I enjoyed Monday afternoon with my sister Gina (since we didn't take a picture Monday- this will have to suffice!)

3. After a rough day, my future hubby came over to talk to me, hug me and try to make things better! :) I'm so blessed

4. I tried out a super yummy recipe last night- it turned out amazing. Loved the lasagna roll ups! (recipe will be posted soon!)

5. Since I had the day off I was able to visit a few thrift stores yesterday. Fun as always! And even managed to snag a few awesome finds!

As always I'm linking up with my friend Erica at Style of a Songbird.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I apologize for the lack of posts lately. I still don't think I've 100% recuperated from my busy weekend so I've been laying low.

This week has contained some preparations for my wedding! I always enjoy fun wedding details! My sister Gina and I visited a few stores on Monday afternoon in search of bridesmaid dresses. We found a few possibilities, but haven't made a final decision. I'd love to have some of the other ladies who are standing up with me try them on too! I think that would help the decision process. Gina had a favorite, and I did too (and they weren't the same favorite). Any predictions on who liked which one best? Keep in mind you are looking at the style; not the color!

If your vote mattered (which it might-it depends who you are!) which style would you vote for?

In other wedding news, I started addressing our save the dates! They won't be going out until 2013, but it's still pretty exciting! I also brought my gifts for the girls standing up with me! Yep, I'm a planner!