Tuesday, December 18, 2012


One of the community committees I sit on for work is having it's Holiday celebration today--potluck style!

I didn't know what I should bring to share...I finally settled on Broccoli Salad! I tried a bite of it this morning and it is AMAZING!!

Broccoli Salad
1head of broccoli (cut into bite size pieces)
2 tablespoons of bacon bits
2 tablespoons of red onion
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 cup fat free mayo
1/4 cup sugar
2 tablespoons of cider vinegar

Combine broccoli, bacon bits, red onion and raisins. In a separate bowl combine mayo, sugar and vinegar cider- blend well. Combine mayo mixture into the broccoli mix. Make sure the mayo mixture is evenly coated throughout the dish. Place in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour (overnight is best!)


I hope everyone at the potluck enjoys it too! I didn't have time to calculate the WW points, but I'm sure it's pretty low.

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