Monday, December 3, 2012


This weekend has been a busy one! However, this is pretty typical of my weekends! I'll be updating you on what I was up to over the next few days! First, I want to say Happy 100th Birthday to my grandpa!

Second, I want to share what a silly evening I had last night! I managed to lock myself out of my house last night! I went outside to take pictures of my outdoor lights, and must have locked the door behind me! Ooops! I didn't have my cell phone on me, a jacket on, and none of my doors were unlocked! Thankfully my friends Katie and Cameron only live a few houses away! I walked to their house, borrowed their phone to make some calls and Brent came to my rescue! Thankfully it wasn't too cold of a night! So now...onto my beautiful lights!

At least I managed to get some fun pictures, right? :)

Happy Monday everyone!

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