Friday, December 14, 2012

Bits and Pieces

Happy Friday everyone! I'm sharing some bits and pieces of my week! Although I didn't do the best of capturing these on camera for you- I still have some I'd like to share!

1. Beautiful sunset while driving home on Thursday- I love it when God uses the sky as His paint canvas!

2. I guess he didn't get enough paint time on Thursday! This is the sunrise from this morning- Beautiful over Muskegon River.

3. Brent and I are attending the Horse Drawn Light Tour tonight at Camp Newaygo. We did this two years ago, and are excited to attend again. I even came prepared with long underwear and my snowpants too!

4. Today I'm blessed to give a Christmas present to my boss. She LOVES Wesco popcorn, so I got her the refillable bucket for 2013! I'm happy/lucky to be able to give gifts to others (as some people don't have this luxury). This is one of my favorite things about Christmas- giving gifts to others!

As always I'm linking up with Erica at Style of a Songbird. Join us!

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