Thursday, December 27, 2012

So blessed!

These past few weeks have been full of many things that I am blessed with! I'm humbled!

flowers from my fiance- just because
Christmas celebrations with my large family
visiting with friends
laughter coming from my nieces and nephews
thoughtful gifts from others
words of encouragement
receiving snail mail
generosity to the extreme
unconditional love
support from my sisters, cousins, parents, friends...
my soon to be family of in-laws
great conversations

And so much more...

The holidays remind me to do just that! Step back and take a look at your surroundings. What are you blessed with? I hope your blessings are abundant! Be blessed 

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Chirstmas Scavenger Hunt

Last night my amazing friend Kimmie organized a fabulous Christmas scavenger hunt! We all had such an amazing time!
Each team of five had one hour to try and get photos of everything on the list! It was so much fun to travel throughout Muskegon to see all the pretty lights! Our team even managed to win by getting all but 2 items! Kimmie even bought prizes for us all! It was a good time--and now will become a yearly tradition.

After our hunt we enjoyed some games including Apples to Apples, Skip-bo and even twister! We even tried out our dancing skills on Wii Dance Party 4! Great time had by all!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Bits and Pieces

Happy Friday everyone! As always I'm linking up with Erica at Style of a Songbird for my Bits and Pieces. Enjoy!

Brent and I enjoyed a horse drawn carriage ride by attending an event at Camp Newaygo. The ride, although a bit cold, was awesome! I wished there would have been more Christmas lights for us to view- hopefully more will be out next year!

Kim and I tried to be shop keepers in Bethlehem. We made crowns; complete with jewels!

I had a work meeting in Detroit this week- due to this I got to visit my cousin Emily and her hubby Tom. Always great to see amazing family! I'm blessed that I'm not stuck in this on a daily basis. I love visiting big cities, but would not enjoy living in one! Crazy traffic! (a bit blurry, but you get the idea!)

We just got the awkward photos from our staff Christmas party- how funny! Enjoy!

 Last night at Roots we heard the Christmas story. I love the set-up!

Happy Friday everyone!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Wine Down Wednesday!

I forgot to post this yesterday- so although it's Thursday, it's still making an appearance!

I'm not a huge drinker- but when I do wine is typically my go-to. Specifically Moscato!
One of the best parts- it's super inexpensive! I purchased it last night (on official Wine Down Wednesday) for only $6 at Meijer! Gotta love it! I'll be enjoying some of this on New Year's Eve.

Sweet, white wines tend to be my favorite. Do you have a favorite in this category that you'd like to share? I'd love to try out something new! Feel free to comment!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


One of the community committees I sit on for work is having it's Holiday celebration today--potluck style!

I didn't know what I should bring to share...I finally settled on Broccoli Salad! I tried a bite of it this morning and it is AMAZING!!

Broccoli Salad
1head of broccoli (cut into bite size pieces)
2 tablespoons of bacon bits
2 tablespoons of red onion
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 cup fat free mayo
1/4 cup sugar
2 tablespoons of cider vinegar

Combine broccoli, bacon bits, red onion and raisins. In a separate bowl combine mayo, sugar and vinegar cider- blend well. Combine mayo mixture into the broccoli mix. Make sure the mayo mixture is evenly coated throughout the dish. Place in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour (overnight is best!)


I hope everyone at the potluck enjoys it too! I didn't have time to calculate the WW points, but I'm sure it's pretty low.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Feel Good

This is one of my favorite shirts- I tend to feel better just wearing it :)

This is a list of things that make me feel good!

Family and friends
Christmas music
Kisses and hugs from my nieces/nephews
Snail mail
Playing games
An amazing sunrise/sunset
Surprise gesture from a stranger
Beautiful rainbow after a rainfall
Sound of children laughing
Scoring a good deal
Curling up with a good book
Good news
Finding the perfect gift to give away
Memories recalled through pictures
Snuggling up under warm blankets
Smell of freshly baked cookies

This is just a short list, I could go on and on!
What makes you feel good?

Saturday, December 15, 2012


I love the holidays! I know I probably sound like a broken record-but it's true!

Today I was blessed for the company of my friends Kimmie, Kristyn and my sister Gina. We mad a mini little Christmas with each other, enjoyed some yummy lunch and then played some games.

And the potato soup was so good- it gets thumbs up!
Merry (early) Christmas all! :)

Friday, December 14, 2012

Bits and Pieces

Happy Friday everyone! I'm sharing some bits and pieces of my week! Although I didn't do the best of capturing these on camera for you- I still have some I'd like to share!

1. Beautiful sunset while driving home on Thursday- I love it when God uses the sky as His paint canvas!

2. I guess he didn't get enough paint time on Thursday! This is the sunrise from this morning- Beautiful over Muskegon River.

3. Brent and I are attending the Horse Drawn Light Tour tonight at Camp Newaygo. We did this two years ago, and are excited to attend again. I even came prepared with long underwear and my snowpants too!

4. Today I'm blessed to give a Christmas present to my boss. She LOVES Wesco popcorn, so I got her the refillable bucket for 2013! I'm happy/lucky to be able to give gifts to others (as some people don't have this luxury). This is one of my favorite things about Christmas- giving gifts to others!

As always I'm linking up with Erica at Style of a Songbird. Join us!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Saving $$$

Everyone always jokes with me, especially my co-workers, about my keen ability to save money!

Today I wanted to share some of my favorite go to sites that are helpful while saving money.

Please keep in mind, these are not sponsored in any way. These are the sites I've personally used that have proven to be successful for me!

A few things to keep in mind while reading about the sites below:

General Coupon policies:
Stores will accept both store specific coupons and manufactures coupons; you can stack these to increase your savings as well.

This site has not only printable coupons, but also allows you to gain points through online shopping, surveys and visits to partner’s webpages (you get points for printing and using coupons too!).  You can then redeem points for gift cards to your favorite stores.  This site also allows you to invite friends, when they sign-up and earn points, you also receive a percentage of points they earn.  The site also has an area where you can view daily deals.  This will give you the link to where to find items for the cheapest available price, often times combining it with a coupon code.

Walgreens has their own coupons on their webpage; scroll to the bottom of the page and click on ‘store coupons’, select coupons to use and print.  Walgreens also just started a rewards program called Balance Rewards. This free sign-up program allows you to receive points for purchases. You then in turn use your rewards for future purchases.

Walmart also has coupons listed on their webpage; however they all seem to be manufactures coupons and not store coupons so you should be able to print these and use them elsewhere too.  You can also click on ‘free samples’ on the left margin of the webpage to receive freebies.  Most freebies come with a coupon too!

Walmart will also match competitors sale prices.  Bring in the sales flyer from another store and they will match the sale price.
This is by far one of my favorite sites.  It’s a blog run by a husband/wife team.  They list all the awesome deals they find online and in stores, freebies and giveaways.  Their blog also has a coupon database with a search feature too!

Click on coupons towards the bottom of the page; clip and print.  These are Target store coupons, not manufacturer coupons, so stack them with manufacturer coupons for additional savings! 

This site lists recipes, coupons, and budget recipes which utilize the items on sale that week.  Click on ‘specials’ tab in the box on the right, when you see something you like click ‘add to shopping list’.  Once you have made your selections, click on the ‘shopping list’ tab, and select print.  These are all Meijer coupons and can be stacked with manufacturer coupons.

This is a Meijer saving site utilizing your cell phone number to sign-up.  Once you do, you can select the coupons you want by clicking the blue clip button.  These will not be printed coupons, but coupons you have in your account.  When you go to shop at Meijer make sure you login your mperks account (using your cell phone number) at the credit card machine and the discounts for the purchased items will come off of your bill.

This is a blog format that lists links to online freebies.  Again, most freebies will have a money saving coupon with the freebie.  The blogger for this site has a humorous manner throughout his blog; be warned J
This site lists codes to receive free shipping while online shopping.
Gain coupon codes for discounts while online shopping; search for any store.
The possibilities are endless with facebook!  If you need a product, chances are that company has a facebook page, visit the page, ‘like’ it and see if they have any coupon savings!

Also, it never fails to utilize a google search.  Type in “Meijer deals week of April 17, 2012” (or wherever you shop) and multiple blogs will list savings!

I hope this post allows you to save some $$ too! :)

Enjoy this day; 12/12/12!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Today has been a pretty GREAT day so far!

I had extra time getting ready this morning so I decided to curl my hair!
Cute right?

After a morning meeting I came into work to an email finding out that we received part of a grant request for one of our programs! That sure is GREAT news! Grant funding is a critical part of success for non-profit organizations!

Here is to hoping the rest of the day is GREAT too!

What has been great in your life lately? I'd love to hear from you!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Busy bees!

This weekend I felt like a busy bee! I was able to spend a bit of time relaxing, some time with family and friends, and time to get some things done around my house.

I even managed to squeeze in a nap!

I got to watch/play with my niece and nephew too!

Aren't they a bunch of cuties?? :)

I accomplished the cleaning of my kitchen and dining room, along with multiple loads of laundry. Before joining friends for bowling, I even had enough time to wrap some Christmas presents. All in all it was a great weekend, although I'm a bit tired today!

The bowling crew!

Special thanks to Kimmie for the pictures!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Bits and Pieces

Happy Friday!!

As always I'm linking up with Erica at Style of a Songbird with my Bits and Pieces.

1. Driving to work- peaceful drives with clear roads (no snow) and Christmas music! What more could a girl ask for?
2. Table for one please! I enjoyed dinner by myself and a good book!
3. God painted a beautiful sunrise Thursday morning!
4. Great amazing holiday party at work today!
No picture to document it yet; but some will come!

Enjoy your weekend everyone!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


It has been awhile since I've updated you on my book challenge. Since I began this challenge on September 14, 2012 I have read 13 books.

This Friday marks 12 weeks. By this formula I'm currently one book ahead of my 52 book challenge.

I've enjoyed unwinding by reading, exploring new authors and listening to book suggestions from friends. I look foward to the next 39 books too!

Remember you can view all the books I've read by clicking on the Book Challenge tab above, or by clicking here.
Keep in mind, as always, I'm open to book suggestions!

Happy reading!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Spreading Joy with Cards!

Christmas is my favorite holiday! I love seeing all the pretty lights, shopping for perfect gifts, watching Christmas movies and sending out Christmas cards!

Last night I worked diligently to get all of my cards ready to send out. They just need stamps and they are set to go!

I love getting mail this time of year too. Going to the mailbox to see if I have gotten any cards is fun! These are the few I've gotten so far!
Who do you enjoy spreading joy to? Do you have the same card list each and every year? Or do you change it and add more to your list each year? I'd love to hear from you!

Monday, December 3, 2012


This weekend has been a busy one! However, this is pretty typical of my weekends! I'll be updating you on what I was up to over the next few days! First, I want to say Happy 100th Birthday to my grandpa!

Second, I want to share what a silly evening I had last night! I managed to lock myself out of my house last night! I went outside to take pictures of my outdoor lights, and must have locked the door behind me! Ooops! I didn't have my cell phone on me, a jacket on, and none of my doors were unlocked! Thankfully my friends Katie and Cameron only live a few houses away! I walked to their house, borrowed their phone to make some calls and Brent came to my rescue! Thankfully it wasn't too cold of a night! So now...onto my beautiful lights!

At least I managed to get some fun pictures, right? :)

Happy Monday everyone!