Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Comfort of Home

Home. That word encompasses so many things! This week has been full of home moments; just enjoying my surroundings of life. Waking up this morning with my bed so cozy, especially with the crisp Michigan morning! It was tough to get up and leave that comfort, but I managed to do so.

Last night, finding my schedule open, I made the good 'ole standby for dinner- YUMMY grilled cheese (it was even Weight Watchers friendly with 1 point bread and 2 points of cheese). As I enjoyed my gooey cheese sandwich, I relaxed at the dining room table and relished in the comforts of my life- my family, friends, a job I love, routine, snail mail, smell of fall, and so much more. It's easy to forget all of the things that don't fall into that category- the dishes yet to be washed, the bookcase that needs to be dusted, the laundry that needs to be finished. Instead I wrapped my mind with all the comforts of life and feel fully and completely blessed!

What type of things do you find comforting in your own home? I'd love to hear from you too!

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