Thursday, September 27, 2012

Basement Overhaul!

Most people take a vacation day from work to relax, visit with family or friends, or go on a trip. Not me! Today I took a vacation day so I could get things done around my house! It seems as if I haven't been around much, or simply don't have the time to focus on the things that need to be completed. So today I did the dishes and the laundry; as well as the huge project of the basement!

I bought my house 4 years ago and it's still a work in progress! Now that the basement has been finished, and carpet has been added, I haven't spent the time to organize it to make it user friendly. Today I did just that! As an avid scrapbooker, I figured this would be the perfect place to get my scrapbook pages done. Check out the pictures of before and after! What an amazing change!!

My sister Rachel and I will be testing it out on Saturday as we complete a day of scrappin!

Look at this mess! (Before)

Yay! So happy with the new look! (After)
Now to move onto more projects...


  1. Wow! Beautiful job! You definitely have more ambition and energy than I do. Looks like it is the perfect place for scrapbooking now :)

    1. Thanks Erika! I don't think I would have been able to get it all done if I hadn't taken the day off. Good sense of accomplishment though!
