Friday, February 22, 2013

Bits and Pieces

Happy Friday everyone!

Guess what?!? Sara is coming to visit! She is en route right now- I'm super excited!  That's why these are my bits and pieces for the week.

1. Sara is coming!





Can you tell I'm a bit excited?
Happy weekend everyone! I'll be busy with Sara! :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Happy Day to Sara! :)

Today is Sara's (one of my best friends) birthday! I always love birthdays! And I'm especially excited that she is coming to visit me this weekend so we can celebrate her day then! :)

Living 5 hours away from each other doesn't always make staying connected easy- but we manage. We talk on the phone, use facebook, travel to see one another, skype, snail mail, and text! I love that we have so many modes of communication we can use to help us stay connected!

This year I'm sure I'll have plenty of opportunities to see her since we will have all of my wedding festivities- double yay!! :) It's hard to imagine that it's been 10 1/2 years since we first met. We were blessed enough to be placed in the same group for our Alternative Spring Break (ASB) trip to Oklahoma. We became fast friends and the rest is history!

Next week I'm sure you will hear about some of our fun we plan on having over the weekend! Prayers for safe travels as Sara comes to visit! You never know about this Michigan snow!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Bits and Pieces

Happy Friday everyone!

This week has been pretty good to me. Minus the few mishaps on the hill at work!

I was feeling a little sassy with my earrings- so that's my self portrait! :)

Yesterday I got the Savannah vistors guide! Great timing as we booked our honeymoon this week. Super exciting!

Yay for snail mail! I got a fun Valentine's Day card in the mail from Sara! Thanks friend!

Tonight a few of us will be enjoying a comedy show at Camp Newaygo- looking forward to it!

Brent also got me this adoable Precious Moments for Valentine's Day- super sweet!

What are some bits and pieces from your week? I'd love to hear from you!

Enjoy your Friday!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

7 months away!

In just 7 short months I am getting hitched!

It's crazy to think how quickly the time seems to be flying by! Our wedding date will be exactly three years since we first met! It's been a pleasant journey--and I can't wait to be Brent's wife! I have to admit I've been finding some great things on pinterest and have been saving them to share with my future hubby!

Wedding details are coming along pretty well! We still have to
-decide on tuxes
-get engagement pictures taken
-determine where we will stay on our wedding night
-figure out centerpieces for the reception
-pick how we will proceed with invitations
-complete pre-marital counseling
-determine my accessories for the BIG day!
-schedule the bridal shower and bachelorette party
-pick reception songs

and we've been busy by
-picking up my dress (just Auntie Nell and I- no Brent allowed!)
-meeting with the florist
-picking out bridesmaid dresses
-sending out our save the dates
-picking out wedding bands
-booking our Honeymoon (Savannah and Tybee Island here we come!)
-registering at Target and Bed, Bath and Beyond
and so much more!

Being a planner, I've been pretty efficient with my planning so I don't have to worry as it gets closer to the date. I've been blessed with amazing friends and family to help me along the way too! Love them!

Have a Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Monday, February 11, 2013


Saturday I spent 12 hours of my day scrapbooking 28 pages! For those of you who know something about scrapbooking- this is a huge accomplishment! So much time and details go into completing a page! I sure was happy to get soooo much done! I managed to do some Christmas pages, some birthday parties, the U of M football game that Brent and I went to, and so much more! I wish I had the time to scrapbook regularly, but I do try to keep up with everything!

My friend Katie organized the event. It's a fundraiser for the Muskegon Waves Disabled Sports Team. The proceeds help the team travel to MSU for the Michigan Victory Games to compete. Double bonus- I get to do something I love (scrapbook) while supporting an amazing cause! It can't get much better than this!

Next month Kerri and I are signed up for a two day crop. I'm especially looking forward to this so I can get even more done! We are contemplating going to a weekend one (Friday-Sunday) in October. I figure this might allow me to get a good start on my wedding album! What do you think?

I better make sure I get some pictures printed for the next one! Although my upcoming weekends are pretty filled! I guess I better keep taking pictures too!

Have a great week everyone!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Bits and Pieces

Happy Friday!

What a week this has been! This week has made me determine that I'm pretty much over winter! Struggled to get up the hill at work with my little car, got stuck in my own driveway due to the amount of snow, barely made it up the hill today- after getting stuck in snow at three different intersections! Man! I'm ready for the weekend!! How about you?

This week has been busy, but enjoyable (minus the snow part!)

I passed along some clothes that were too big for me to one of my co-workers! Felt great to clean out the closet- and she was blessed to get everything!

My Aunt Nell and I went to pick up my wedding dress at Becker's Bridal on Wednesday! So super excited! Picked out a veil while we were there too. Brent reads my blog- so I guess you just get a picture of them in bags! :)

After picking up the dress we stopped for lunch. We couldn't resist both cheating on our diets and ordered this yummy dessert. Nachos! So super yummy! The cup contains a carmel mousse that you dip the 'chips' in. Sooooooo yummy!

Although I shoveled 6-7 inches of snow last night after work and another 6-7 inches this morning before work- the sun did decide to show itself. Pretty snow- it would be prettier if I had a snow day too! :)

Enjoy your Friday everyone! Be safe on the roads!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Uh oh...books!

For those of you who have been following me you know that I have been attempting to complete my own book challenge before my wedding. I had been keeping up pretty well with my reading (on average completing a book a week), although this past month I haven't been doing so well!

I've been so busy working on wedding details, I haven't been focusing on reading! This Friday will be 21 weeks of the book challenge and I have finished 18 books. I better get on it and get reading.

Considering my weekends are booked all the way until the end of April, I better play some catch up now!

Don't forget you can view all the books I've finished during this challenge on the Book Challenge tab above, or by clicking here.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Bits and Pieces

Happy Friday everyone!

This week has had some fun!
I managed to clear my driveway last Friday- complete even to the end (you know, where the plow goes!)

We celebrated my dads birthday- Happy 70th!

I scored and wore my new Merell shoes I found at Goodwill for $4! Woohoo!

Enjoying some diet coke! It was left outside and formed cold slush! Love cold diet coke!!

Enjoyed some fire cooked pizza from Verdoni's in Muskegon.

I hope everyone has a safe and happy Friday and weekend!!!