Wednesday, March 26, 2014

100 Days of Happy

Thanks to the awesomeness of social media, I learned about the 100 days of happy! I went to the website to see what it is all about. Check it out here!  Basically you submit a picture a day- for a total of 100 days- of something that makes you happy. I LOVE this idea! I think it will really make people stop and view their day (and world surroundings) differently.

You can share your happy moments via facebook, twitter, or instagram, or you can even submit via email. My choice was to use facebook. I will admit, this is the first time I've ever used the hashtag in my facebook post before!

Day #1
I'm happy that I successfully finished my BBBS display board for The Family Expo this weekend in Newaygo.
My display board that I used last year- was just on tri-fold cardboard- this display is much sturdier and more professional. So happy to use it this weekend. 

What are some things that make you happy? Feel free to share in the comments- or better yet- join in the 100 days with me! Have a happy day everyone!

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