Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Buh-bye 50 lbs!

Yay- it's official- I've lost 50 pounds! After 9 months following the weight watchers plan, hard work and dedication I've lost 50 lbs (50.8 to be exact!).

I'm full of excitement! It has been quite the journey to see the transformation!  A HUGE thanks to Kristyn for helping me get started- I couldn't have done this without you! Thanks also to everyone who has supported me along the way providing encouragement, accompanied me in a more active lifestyle and pushing me to reach my goals! Know that the journey was much easier with you all by my side! Now I just need to be careful so I can fit into my wedding dress!!

I'll work on getting some pictures taken to post a before and after shot. Brent's good at woodworking- but not taking pictures! (sorry love...but I still  love you!)

To all of you on your own weight loss journey- best of luck- I know you can do it!