Monday, April 21, 2014

Do you ever?

Do you ever have those ridiculously annoying conversations with people- you know- the ones where you aren't seeing eye to eye and neither of you can get through to the other person? Yeah, me too.

I know the saying "we agree to disagree" but sometimes that too is difficult to do. Typically it's even harder when it's someone you are close to.

Do you ever get told a secret- that you can totally keep- but are still so excited you just want to share the news with someone? Yeah, me too.

But the loyalty of me and my friendship with the other person does bind the secret and I do keep it.

Do you ever have a rough day and feel that the world is against you? Yeah, me too

But then I try to think of all the positive things in my life and it helps boost my mood.

Do you ever wish you could complete everything on your to-do list before the day is done? Yeah, me too

Although this doesn't happen often for me. Does it for you?

Do you ever make a decision and then later regret it? Yeah, me too

Decisions aren't taken lightly for some, but they allow us to learn and to grow. Decide on friends.

What are other things that tend to be a wall for you? Feel free to share :)

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

What you don't learn at school

For those of you who are unaware we had a huge storm over the weekend and lost our power just after 3 pm on Saturday April 12th. Our power was finally restored last night, April 14th just after 9 pm. This was a tough run without electricity. I thought you might enjoy hearing about the things thy don't teach you at school!

1) how to disengage your garage door during a power outage (yes, I now know how to do this!)
2) how often you take for granted electricity
3) how to flush the toilet if you don't have city water (after of course you get water from the Culligan man (aka dad))
4) how to balance a book and a flashlight to read while trying to stay warm under blankets
5) how many layers to wear to keep your body temperature normal
6) where to go to plug in your cell phone long enough to get a full charge

Other things that I've learned during the power outage
- my friends/family are awesome and have all reached out to help where they can (I already knew they were awesome- but I appreciate it so much that I'm still mentioning it :))
- my headlight (typically used for camping) proved to be super useful in getting around the house...and even easier than trying to hold the flashlight to read!

- someone should invite a non electricity based heated toilet seat so my butt doesn't freeze off just to pee
- my husband now wishes he had a smart phone
- when it's dark and 8 pm, it seems later, and with nothing else to do you get more sleep by going to bed early
- small generators are really convenient- even if it's just to run the refrigerator so you don't loose hundreds of dollars on the food
- eating out gets old- really fast!
- 5 gallon buckets and water pitchers come in handy to collect water from the Culligan man

A special thanks to my dad and mother-in-law for all their help- with water assistance, access to showers and laundry facilities, as well as a generator, we couldn't have done it without you! Thanks :)

Friday, April 11, 2014

Little updates

For the past 16 days I've been participating in the happy challenge. Every day I take a picture of something that makes me happy and share it on facebook. I love this challenge. It truly has made me approach my day a bit different- looking closer at the little things in my day. Things that sometimes go unnoticed, but more importantly- still make me happy!

Just a few of my happy posts!

In other news we bought a new refrigerator was delivered yesterday, we can FINALLY take down the Christmas lights outside since the snow is (mostly) gone, and I'm hosting a game night tonight. All exciting (and happy) things too! Life in my little lively life is good :)