Monday, April 22, 2013

Crazy life

HI! It's been so long since my last post! And honestly there isn't a specific reason why I haven't been posting. My life has been busy and I just haven't devoted the time to writing posts! So today I thought I would write something quick!

Since my last post...

Sara came for an awesome weekend visit- we had a great time visiting, talking and of course laughing!
I attended multiple Lia Sophia jewelry parties
I made photo books for my sisters and Aunt to remember my mom since it's been 15 years since she passed away
Brent and I started pre-martial counseling
I ran a scrapbooking event for work
We celebrated Ariana's 1st birthday! I can't believe she is already one!
I started attending a kickboxing class that I love- I'm a bit sore today- but it's worth it!
We had a Parks in Focus alumni outing for work
I visited Detroit with some awesome ladies from work!
I was able to get lots of scrapbooking done at a two day crop!
We celbrated Evan's 3rd birthday! I also can't believe he is three!
We had another evening of our DIY group- we made some awesome stuff out of old t-shirts!
Brent and I got our engagement pictures taken! Love them! Can't wait to see the rest!
Keith, Evan, Brent and I went to watch the Griffins Game
And...probably the busiest! I've been up to my elebows in Bowlapalooza stuff!
Don't worry there is still time to support me! Check out the link below- any donation is helpful!

Happy monday everyone!